HKU MEICOM Alumni : AGM & Annual Dinner Registration (Aug 20 2022)
The 2022 AGM x Annual Dinner of HKU M.Sc in Ecom & Icom Alumni Association “HKU MEICOM” will be held at HKUAA Club House, below please find the event detail:
Event Details
Date : 20 August 2022 (Saturday).
Time : 5.30pm – AGM (Free of charge)
Time : 6.30pm – Annual Dinner (HK$500 for members | HK$600 for non-members)
Address : HKUAA Club House, 1/F, Yip Fung Building, 2 D’Aguilar Street, Central.
To fill out the registration form and make payment for both events thru the link: https://hkumeicom.passber.com/hku-meicom-agm-alumni-20th-anniversary-annual-dinner-aug-20-2022/
If you will be joining the Annual dinner, after completed payment, please send the payment proof to meicom.hku@gmail.com
For more event updates and details, feel free to check out our event page at : http://www.meicom.hku.hk
Remarks : Free of charge for MSc Ecom & Icom Programme Office Colleagues/Staffs and Teaching Professor. Separate Invitation to be sent.
Highlights & remarks:
We strongly encourage all Msc E-Com & Icom graduate student and Meicom members to support HKU Meicom alumni and sharing your thoughts on growing the community.
Please also note that only members of the Meicom Alumni Association are eligible to vote in the AGM. Please register as members if you want to be part of the voting, get discount for the Annual Dinner, and enjoy benefit, priority & offer from different Meicom events! The membership registration link can be found here : https://hkumeicom.passber.com/membership/
For more details & agenda for the AGM, please kindly refer to the e-mail sent by the programme office on 19 Jul 2022 (Topic : HKU MEICOM AGM on 20 August 2022 (Sat))
- The Alumni is your identity and pride.
- The Alumni can offer you many attractive benefits whether you are graduates or current students.
- By joining the Alumni and participating in this nomination process, you can exercise you right to vote
and to select YOUR representative to take care of your interests.
If you need to know more, please visit our website http://www.meicom.hku.hk and share your thoughts with us.