Author Archive

HKU MEICOM fireplace talk 🔥Episode 3: Mar 18, 2023 (Sat) 9p.m. Zoom Discussion on ‘Meet the startup, AutoML Capital: Seizing AI opportunities in Wealth Management’ Rebecca is the founder and CEO of AutoML Capital, a WealthTech company that leverages its proprietary machine learning algorithm to perform Asset Management and Investment Services. She is a physicist [...]

March 16, 2023



Thanks for joining MEICOM January 2023 events! We are very much appreciated of your attendance at our January events! Here’s some snippets from our January events: Fireplace 🔥 Ep 2 on Jan 14 Transformer — Transforming career, organisation and jumping on software business bandwagon 😀 We are thrilled to have brought together such a great [...]

January 21, 2023



Entrepreneur stories in Hong Kong In Dec 2021, Sensetime, the first unicorn at HKSTP successfully listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Around five months later, Prenetics became the first HK unicorn listed on NASDAQ. Followed by Gogox, the first unicorn at Cyberport completed the IPO in June 2022.  In less than a year, there have [...]

November 6, 2022



《2022 施政報告》引領香港成為國際創新科技中心香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程碩士校友會歡迎《施政報告》提出的「香港創新科技發展藍圖」,循完善創科生態圈和實現再工業化、壯大人才庫、建設智慧香港、融入國家發展大局四方面制訂政策,引領香港成為國際創新科技中心。 設立100億元的「產學研1+計劃」,明年起以配對形式資助最少100支有潛質成為初創企業的大學研發團隊,推動科研成果的轉化和產業發展。有助把科研成果商品化。 為促進科技產業發展,引進重點企業辦公室,配合50億元的策略性創科基金,以及落馬洲河套區港深創新及科技園,聚焦吸引生命健康科技、人工智能與數據科學、先進製造與新能源科技等產業的優秀企業和人才落戶香港。 推進「再工業化」 ,設立「工業專員」,專責統籌和督導相關的策略工作,將有助創新科技應用相關專業知識為製造業升級轉型。 落實研究在大埔創新園興建第二個先進製造業中心,以及通過「再工業化資助計劃」資助更多智能生產線在港設立,目標是將智能生產線由目前約30條增加至超過130條,此舉將為智能製造領域的專業人員提供更多就業及發展機遇。 基建政策方面,加強創科基建設施 ,落實港深創科園的建造工程,同時加快「北部都會區」新田科技城發展,正規劃東鐵線科學園╱白石角站,能帶動創新科技公司的發展,從而令創科相關職位供應增加。 優化「科技人才入境計劃」、向「研究人才庫」增加資助,以及擴展「創科實習計劃」等,有利壯大創新科技人才庫,為創科發展增添動力。 人才是創新科技產業成功的重要元素,施政報告提出一系列人才措施,吸引優秀創科人才來港落戶。施政報告提出各種有利香港發展的政策,促進科技產業發展 ,積極向內地和海外推廣香港新機遇。 盧文聰 香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程碩士校友會會長 2022年10月19日

October 24, 2022



MEICOM Happy Hour on 27 October 2022Cheers to HKU MEICOM Happy Hour on Oct 27 Join us to have a good laugh, catch up with friends and make new connections (seats are limited, sign-up link below). MEICOM Dec Happy Hour Date: 27 October 2022 (Thursday) – 4th Thursday of the month Session 1 : 5:00 [...]

October 24, 2022



Fireplace Talk (Episode 1): How web 3 community will drive revenue for your business? – 29 Oct 2022 (Sat) at 9:00pm FirePlace Talk series, with distinguished leaders, alumni, and academics, is an online ZOOM event organized by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Master of Science in E-Commerce and Internet Computing (MEICOM) Alumni Association. Interviewees [...]

October 24, 2022



Inno4life Creative Culture and Technology Innovation Exhibition 2022 (Free Entry) Dear Student/Alumni, Inno4life Creative Culture and Technology Innovation Exhibition 2022 is an innovation exhibition event organized by Greater Bay Area Youth Development Association and Media360 Asia Limited. Some of the HKU startups will be participating in this exhibition, if you want to understand the latest [...]

October 17, 2022


Events, News

HKU MEICOM Alumni : AGM & Annual Dinner Registration (Aug 20 2022) The 2022 AGM x Annual Dinner of HKU M.Sc in Ecom & Icom Alumni Association “HKU MEICOM” will be held at HKUAA Club House, below please find the event detail: Event Details Date : 20 August 2022 (Saturday). Time : 5.30pm – AGM [...]

August 9, 2022


Events, News

Fireplace Talk (Episode 6): Zoom Discussion on ‘Importance of Work-Life Balance’- 23 July 2022 (Sat) at 9:00pm FireplaceTalk series, with distinguished leaders, alumni, and academics, is an online ZOOM event organized by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Master of Science in E-Commerce and Internet Computing (MEICOM) Alumni Association. Interviewees will share with us their [...]

July 11, 2022

