Fireplace Talk (Episode 3): Zoom Interview with Associate Professor KP Chow on 30 Apr 2022 (Sat) at 9:00pm
FireplaceTalk series, with distinguished leaders, alumni, and academics, is an online ZOOM event organized by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) MSc in E-Commerce and Internet Computing (MEICOM). Alumni Association Interviewees will share with us their thoughts, insights at work/business, and personal challenges in the interview. Stay tuned for future episodes of the series, coming soon!
Episode 3: 30 APRIL 2022 SATURDAY
Interview with Associate Professor K.P. Chow on ‘Digital Footprints and Forensics’
Dr. K.P. Chow is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at HKU, Programme Director of Master of Science in E-Commerce and Internet Computing, Master of Science in Financial Technology and Data Analytics, and Master of Science in Computer Science. Dr. Chow is the Chairman of the Information Security and Forensics Society (Hong Kong) and a council member of the Hong Kong Forensic Science Society. Dr. Chow has been a member of the Programme Committee of the international forensics workshop SADFE and was the conference chairman of the Sixth IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics held in January 2010 in Hong Kong.
Event Details
Date & Time: 30 April 2022, Saturday, starting 9:00 p.m. (around 45 mins)
Ms. Angala Yau, Vice President, MEICOM Alumni Association
Ms. Doris Chun, Director MEICOM Alumni Association
Dr. Henry Chan, Director MEICOM Alumni Association
How to watch MEICOM Fireplace Talk? No registration is required. Zoom meeting details will be emailed to HKU MEICOM alumni and students directly by the MEICOM Program Office prior to the interview.
For inquiries regarding the event, please email us at: meicom.hku@gmail.com
If you are not a MEICOM member, please consider joining us through: https://hkumeicom.passber.com/membership/