Hike from Parkview Heights to End of Tai Tam Reservoir Road at Tai Tam Road

MEICOM members are cordially invited to join our two-hour walk on Dec 4, 2021, Saturday (from Parkview Heights to Tai Tam Reservoir).

Time to polish your social skill and this hike is the perfect opportunity to meet other members. We will walk at a relaxed pace to enjoy the scenery along the way. Sign up today.

Event Details

RSVP on or before 23 November 2021, 23:59

MEICOM會員:如需報名,請查閱 MEICOM 發出的相關電郵 (發出日期為2021年11月4日 14:13)
非MEICOM會員, 如有查詢,請聯络:ks.auyeung@yahoo.com.hk

To sign up:
MEICOM members: Please refer to MEICOM email sent out on Nov 4, 2021, 14:13
For non-MEICOM members: Please contact Steve Au-Yeung at ks.auyeung@yahoo.com.hk

行山活動: 陽明山莊摘星樓 前往 大潭水塘道於大潭道的終點
Hiking Event : Parkview Heights to the End of Tai Tam Reservoir Road at Tai Tam Road

活動日期: 2021年12月4日 星期六
Event Date : 4 December 2021, Saturday

集合時間 : 早上10時30分[請準時]
Meeting Time : 10:30a.m. [Please be on time]

完成時間 : 1小時45分
Completion time : 1 hour 45 minutes

路程 Distance: 3 KM

費用 : 免費
Fee : Free of charge

If you are not a member of the HKU MSc in E-commerce and Internet Computing Alumni Association, please consider joining us.

Register Now !

Step 1 of 2
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for registration of the membership of MEICOM Alumni.
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