There is no better learning experience than getting your hand dirty!!!!!
MEICOM is the place for you to convert knowledge from lectures into real business actions

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News and Events
Be Your Own Boss By Boutir and Legit App HKU MEICOM 2024- 2025 Fireplace Talk – EPISODE 3
Join us to discover firsthand insights on seizing opportunities in the e-commerce landscape -- "Be Your Own Boss: Insights on Entrepreneurship from the Founders of Boutir and LEGIT App, and Opportunities in E-Commerce". This seminar promises to offer valuable perspectives and opportunities in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship and e-commerce. The founders of Boutir and [...]
A huge thank you to our HKU MEICOM Runner team who came together to take on the Standard Chartered HK Marathon 2025! 🏃♂️🏃♀️ Your dedication and determination were truly inspiring. Whether you were chasing a personal best, a team high-five, or just the promise of a post-race big meal, you showed up, laced up, and [...]
IET and MEICOM Leading You Through the VUCA and AI ERA
Join Us for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Seminar, supported by HKU MEICOM!Join Us for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Seminar, supported by HKU MEICOM! In today's VUCA world, soft skills are more important than ever! 👉 Learn how to balance technical expertise with human-centric abilities and enhance your career! 🚀 [...]
In the Year of Snake…
As we enter the Year of the Snake🐍, we wish you and your family health, happiness, and success in all your academic endeavors. May this year bring new opportunities and growth for everyone.🧧 在蛇年來臨之際🐍,我們祝福您和您的家人健康、幸福,並在學業上取得成功。願這一年為大家帶來新的機會和成長。🧧 Best wishes, 祝好! HKU MEICOM AA 香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程理學碩士校友會
Flashback of MEICOM at NANSHA
我們進行了一場啟發性的討論,此次活動吸引了100位線上線下參與者,涵蓋了與我們職業旅程息息相關的關鍵主題 這樣的安排讓更多的人能夠方便地參與討論與交流。 🗓️ 職業探索與規劃 我們不總是能輕易找到最終或長期目標,但我們必須珍惜當下所能學習的機會。每一段經歷都是通往未來的跳板。 🤝 軟硬兼備 在今天的競爭環境中,擁有特定的硬技能可以讓我們脫穎而出。然而,擴大我們在各個領域的理解同樣重要。這種全方位的方法使我們能更好地掌握市場需求和終端用戶的需求。記住,硬技能只是滿足這些需求的工具。 💼 實習與工作經驗 參與志願服務和實習不僅豐富了我們的履歷,還幫助我們積累寶貴的經驗,塑造我們的專業身份。也更能掌握不同行業的環境。 🌟 粵港澳大灣區的未來 擁有9+2個城市的大灣區為增長和合作提供了激動人心的機會——讓我們共同擁抱這一潛力! 🎯 MEICOM繼續為會員帶來全方位活動,密切留意我們的動向! 感謝以下嘉賓的參與: - 👨🏫 活動嘉賓 - 🎥 邱達根先生[香港特區立法會議員(科技創新界)](視頻致辭) - 📚 鄭振剛教授[香港大學工程學院副院長(2022-2024)] - 🌐 林暄先生[香港廣州創新及科技協會副理事長] - 💼 鄭浩維先生[Generation Hong Kong行政總裁] - 🏙 郭杰駿先生[廣州南沙粵港合作諮詢委員會委員] - 🐎 張雋榮先生[香港賽馬會高級經理] - 💻 楊仕楠先生[香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程理學碩士校友會董事] 感謝大家的參與,期待未來的合作與交流!🌍 Don't miss our next gathering at a discounted price. Register by [...]
MEICOM at Nansha, Outreaching to the Vibrant Greater Bay Area Innovative Network
立足灣區,擁抱世界:香港 x 南沙青年學生創科發展機遇論壇由 香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程理學碩士校友會協辦的青年學生論壇! 🎓 一起探索灣區機遇,擁抱世界未來! {{ vc_btn: title=Register+now%2C+Seats+are+Limited+%21&style=3d&shape=square&color=danger&size=lg&align=left&i_icon_fontawesome=far+fa-hand-point-right&css_animation=bounceIn&button_block=true&add_icon=true& }} 📜活動流程 ⏰ 19:00 - 19:30:接待及登記 ✍ 🎤 19:30 - 19:40:開幕致辭 & 南沙發展概述 🌟 💬 19:40 - 20:30:圓桌討論 🗣 👥 20:30 - 21:00:自由交流 🤝 討論內容 1. 職業探索與規劃:發掘興趣、鼓勵創新 🌟 2. 軟硬兼備:現代職場的基礎素養 🛠 3. 實習與工作經驗:志願服務社會、累積經驗 💼 4. 粵港澳大灣區的未來:9+2 城市 🌏✨ 👨🏫 活動嘉賓 - 🎥 邱達根先生[香港特區立法會議員(科技創新界)](視頻致辭) - 📚 鄭振剛教授[香港大學工程學院副院長(2022-2024)] [...]
MEICOM Wishing You a Happy Winter Solstice!
On this Winter Solstice, I hope you take a moment to reflect on the past year and embrace the new beginnings ahead. Happy Solstice!
MEICOM * Alibaba
MEICOM as one of the supporting organizations of Global Star Awards 2025 kick-off ceremony On December 13th, 2024 The HKU MEICOM Alumni Association is delighted to stand as a supporting organization alongside the event organizer, Hong Kong, and sponsors such as Bank of China (Hong Kong), with co-organizers including HKECIC, HKPC - Hong [...]
Hike from HKU to The Peak Galleria
Hike from HKU to The Peak Galleria MEICOM members went on a hike to the Peak through High West, a trail starting from the Main Library of HKU, on 11Nov,2024 It was a perfect opportunity to have met other members including Prof Paul Cheung. After the team had lunch at the Yucca De Lac, The [...]
CO2-Night at Fireplace Talk #2
ESG Advisory & Solutions for a Greener Future and the role of technology in ESG On 1Nov, 2024 MEICOM had the privileges to have 2 guest speakers, John Lee and Mag Chan to share their insightful thoughts on ESG governance and the vast business prospects it presents! Noting that ESG has now become a mandatory [...]